Sunday, March 22, 2015

Book Jar's

Well I was over at my cousin's blog and found this interesting post on choosing what book to read next or to put on your to be read list which she got from an instagram that Jenna Burtenshaw posted.

The post was about using pots and sticky notes or just bits of paper to pick your next read from, having a pot to make a note of books you want to buy sometime soon and a pot to put the slip in saying what you have read.

This sounded like a great idea so I took my cousin's idea and I managed to get my own little jars. I have made a list of all my books and got some pots to put my lists in although I will only use two pots as I tend to buy books on a whim, if I see a book I want I will buy it.

My jars.
To Read, Review Books and Read
Here are my jars, I still have three but the third is not a 'to buy jar' as I buy books whenever I feel like it and sometimes I just buy a book because I see it and other times I buy books because they are the next in the series or because the book is by an author that I like, the third jar is full of books that I have been sent to review.

I have decided that I am just going to stick half of the books I own with the books that are the next in the series to ones I have started in a jar and get my boyfriend to pick which book I read next so that I don't pick a book and then put it back in the pot because I don't want to read it yet.

If you have trouble deciding what to read next maybe you could try this also. If you have a different way to choose what book your going to read next let me know.

Happy Reading

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