Thursday, April 28, 2022

Review - The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C. S. Lewis

 The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Author: C. S. Lewis
Series: The Chronicles of Narnia #2
Pages: 202
Release Date: October 16th 1950
Format: Paperback
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Synopsis: In this children's classic, Lucy finds that an old wardrobe in a professor's country house is a gateway to a magical land of fauns, centaurs, nymphs and talking animals - but also of the beautiful but evil White Witch who has held the land of Narnia in eternal winter for a hundred years.
My Review: I read this book for the first time in years and I still loved it as much as I did when I was a kid.
Peter, Susan, Edmond and Lucy are sent to live with a professor in the country during the war and during a game of hide and seek Lucy stumbles upon the magical world of Narnia but when she comes back she tells her siblings about Narnia and they don’t believe her.
That night Lucy sneaks from her room to go back to Narnia and Edmond follows her but where Lucy goes to find her friend Edmond meets the White Witch who convinces him to bring all his siblings to her so that she can make him king and them his servants.
When the four children eventually get to Narnia they go to visit Lucy’s friend but he's been taken by the White Witch and while they are talking to some beavers to try and get him back Edmond sneaks off to the White Witches castle.
In the end Aslan comes along and Peter, Susan and Lucy practice to fight against the White Witch and he sends his people off to get Edmond back and they defeat the White Witch.
Currently Reading: Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
Read in 2022: 18/40

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