Monday, July 01, 2019

Get To Know Me - Chris Turnbull

Image may contain: 1 person, standing, outdoor and nature

1)   Where do you live?
I live in the beautiful Yorkshire Wolds, just outside the city of York

2)   Can you tell me about yourself?
Hi, I’m Chris. I am a multi-genre author from Yorkshire. I live with my husband and dog in a house we bought and renovated back in 2014. I am a keen reader and love the escapism of a good book.

3)   Why and when did you begin to write?
I have been writing from a young age, I used to love writing short stories about anything and everything. It wasn’t until my early twenties that I started writing anything longer, and my first book ‘The Vintage Coat’ was my first long length story I had written by that point.

4)   How long each day/week do you dedicate to writing?
Some people believe that a writer should write every single day, for me I know myself well enough to know that if I am tired then I need a break. I like to do 3 – 4 sessions a week minimum, but depending on what stage I am at with a project I could be working every day of the week. As I also have a full time job, it means that writing is usually done on evenings and weekends.

5)   If you were shipwrecked on a desert island what book, author and item would you take?
That’s a tough one. I’d have to take a book I already knew I liked otherwise I was stuck on an island with a book that I may not enjoy. As for author maybe JK Rowling, not only would I love to spend time with her and ask her lots of questions but she is so famous that somebody would certainly be looking to save her. And item…probably a blanket, because I am always cold. 

6)   When reading yourself do you prefer to read eBooks, paperbacks or hardbacks?
I don’t own a kindle (although I do have the kindle app on my phone if absolutely necessary…aka book only available on kindle) so I prefer a real book. 

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